Presentation Recording Now Available!
On July 7th, Mauricio Aracena and Tom De Koninck were invited to speak at the Laval Virtual conference.
As a first topic, Mauricio talked about Volumetric Streaming over 5G. In this talk he presented the end-to-end functional chain and the way 5G edge compute can enable better and more scalable implementation of volumetric video streaming. The talk is available to watch in VRIF’s YouTube Channel.
As a second topic, Tom De Koninck was panelist to discuss what’s to come in extended reality. The panel was led by Jean-Philippe Encausse and other panelists were Sven Bliedung von der Heide from Volucap, Hervé Fontaine from HTC and Gabriel Brostow from Niantic. This panel talk is also available on VRIF’s YouTube Channel.
The conference was partly physical in France, partly virtual in Virbela. Both talks were done in the Virbela virtual conference hall.