Member Testimonials

What Our Members Are Saying…


Nokia has been a VRIF member since its early days and has been actively involved in the various VRIF working groups.  We see changes in the way multimedia is consumed now and into the future and believe that immersive experiences will play an important role.

VRIF has a critical part to play in promoting VR and in developing a VR ecosystem for industry and consumers.  Virtual and augmented reality pose technical challenges and place heavy demands on communication infrastructure and on multimedia-capable devices.  VRIF brings together companies from across the world and from different industry segments and fosters collaboration in standardized ways to solve these challenges, which would be difficult or impossible for any single company to do alone.

Nokia also values VRIF’s role as a bridge between standard-setting organizations and practical deployments.  Thus, after useful specifications such as OMAF (Omnidirectional Media Format) have been developed by standard-setting organizations, guidelines can give a practical interpretation and direction to implementers, which enables the standard to become useful via interoperable products and services.

As Nokia, the “Guidelines Working Group” is where we’ve focused most of our energy in VRIF, and we are looking forward to continued involvement as further immersive standards emerge.

If your company has an eye towards immersive experiences but is not a VRIF member, we’d encourage you to join even if you are not able to participate in every conference call or activity.  VRIF provides you an opportunity to influence the guidelines so that they are relevant for your own business, to network with others in the VR area, and to promote the overall development of the VR ecosystem.


Irdeto is the world leader in digital platform security, protecting platforms and applications for video entertainment, video games, connected transport, connected health and IoT connected industries. Irdeto’s solutions and services enable customers to protect their revenue, create new offerings and fight cybercrime effectively.

Irdeto is a VR Industry Forum founding member and has been working actively in the VRIF since it was first start set up, having participated in the earlier VR Industry group discussions that led to its formation.

VR, 360 degree video, Augmented Reality and associated technologies, bring exciting opportunities for new solutions in existing mature markets, as well as the potential to open up entirely new market spaces. As with all exciting and high potential new services, there is a need to protect both the content and the service provider’s investment and also to protect the users of these new services from any potential piracy or security threats.

Irdeto has been working to provide security steer and to help define guidelines that ensure that these new services can build on and leverage existing media security mechanisms. In addition, we have been collaborating with our colleagues in the VRIF working groups to help identify the requirements and guidelines for the new protection and security approaches that these exciting new technologies demand.

Participation in VRIF, in particular the guidelines group where we have put our focus, has enabled us to build the best possible understanding of these emerging VR, 360 video and AR technologies. These new media formats are quite different at times, and often vastly more complex, than traditional media and this complexity extends to securing the content and protecting the users. Working with our industry peers in the VRIF has allowed us to understand not only how to best secure these technologies with today’s delivery mechanisms and user devices, but also to prepare for the next generation of server side and client side computing platforms.

With a unique heritage in security innovation, Irdeto is the well-established and reliable partner to build a secure future leveraging advanced technologies like VR/AR and the solutions they enable, a future where people can embrace connectivity without fear.

Gaudio Lab

Gaudio Lab Inc. is a global audio technology startup with a bold experiment to commercialize award-winning spatial audio technologies. Gaudio Lab redefines the audio experience with astonishing sound in OTT/Music streaming, virtual/incremental reality, smartphones, TVs, and theaters.

Gaudio Lab has been a VRIF member since 2017. Being a part of VRIF has enabled us to grow resourcefully along the way. Based on audio technology background, Gaudio Lab served as vice president of Communications Working Group for VRIF and contributed to producing the guidelines.

Gaudio Lab values being a member of VRIF to get close to all updates related to the VR industry by referring to the guidelines. Accessing expert insight and a broader connection to the VR industry continues to drive our connection to VRIF today.